WS Rendra Died
No many words can I say other than goodbye ... RIP
"Keberanian kami telah teruji, walau kesucian kami telah ternodai,
Tapi tangan-tangan siluman masih saja merantai kebebasan pikiran dan kesempatan kami,
Wahai pahlawanku,... tolong sampaikan pada tuhan yang mungkin masih mendengar ucapanmu,
Ucapan dari orang yang rela berkorban.......tolong sampaikan pada tuhan untuk mencabut saja kekuasaan yang dipakai untuk berbuat kekejian, kekuasaan yang dipakai untuk kepentingan diri sendiri, keluarga sendiri, kelompok sendiri,.....kemerdekaan ini hanya semakin menjajah kami saja, sebab raja-raja kecil telah mengambil peran penjajah seutuhnya, hingga kesempatan dan keadilan buat kami telah dirampasnya pula,...."
(Jakarta-Banten, 17-08-09)
Remember The Number, Bali child record his name in the book world record "Guinness World Records"
Gianyar (ANTARA News) - Dominic Brain, which is aged 12 years origin of Kuta, Badung regency, Bali, successful record name in world record book "Guinness World Records," after a successful show because the capacity is only 76-digit string in 60 minutes.
Gidion Hindartho child's entry in the record books published world record black Guinness Beer Company, after showing its ability to record breaking event was held in the park animals "Bali Zoo Park in Gianyar, Bali, and Saturday.
Representatives of Guinness World Records, Asia, Alex Iskandar Liew, praise than that shown the ability Dominic Brain, also rate it as a unique record, considering the age of the still classified as children to adolescents.
However, the world record is estimated to be solved Dominic Brain will many invite the emergence of a new challenger will attempt to surpass record. "its uniqueness record breaker because it is still very young, 12 years old. Effort able to remember the number one hundred is not that easy," said Alex Iskandar Liew
According to him, the ability Dominic Brain is very unusual, because in a very short time be able to remember the 76 digit string. Such rare ability possessed by children as his age, and if you want to have a rival or even surpass, take a relatively long learning.
While Gidion Hindartho said, even though her son is able to record the world record, but not to give himself a target on the Brain, but will only refer to the aspiration.
He confessed during this train only remember Brain power through a method of power training remembers ability, which can actually be done by everyone.
"I will continue to try to improve this record, considering the target line number 104. When the exercise was the most high-lift is reached. Originally was difficult, but if done in earnest will be the habit," he said.
Brain previous record-breaking success in the Indonesian Record Museum (MURI), which is considering the 52 cards for 100 seconds, and remember the 100 number within 12 minutes. (ANTARA News)
World Diving Record Broken at Sail Bunaken
The information center of the Sail Bunaken 2009 committee said 2,818 people participated in the event, but only 2,805 people stayed underwater for at least 25 minutes. That is the minimum length of time required by the Guinness Book of Records, whose representatives were on hand to witness the new record.
"Divers began entering the water at 8 in the morning. By midday, all of them had returned to shore," Koesdiantoro of the Sail Bunaken 2009 committee said.
The mass dive also marked Indonesia's Independence Day, August 17. An Indonesian flag will be unfurled underwater tomorrow as part of the independence celebrations.
Sail Bunaken is a government-sponsored festival designed to promote Manado, and the visually rich waters of Bunaken, as an international tourist hotspot.
Indonesian Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Minister Freddy Numberi, who also heads the festival committee, said Manado had seen a spike in economic growth thanks to Sail Bunaken.
"The growth is temporary, but it has given the people of North Sulawesi a chance to learn how to develop their local potential," he said. (The Jakarta Globe)
Paris Hilton to Emma Thompson turns out a bag made in Indonesia
Nancy Go is the name of is well known in the fashion bag industry. The works of a protective carrying case is not so impressive vintage will never eaten fission time.
While abroad, especially areas such as the European fashion city Paris, Milan, London and New York, the bag is adored celebrities. Go Nancy with her husband Bert Ng, founder of the house as a couple accessories Bagteria lead levels have been successful international fashion since seven years ago. (
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